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Carter Votes to Repeal Obamacare, Defund Planned Parenthood

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(WASHINGTON, DC) – Today, Rep. John R. Carter (R-TX-31) voted to repeal Obamacare, defund Planned Parenthood, invest in women's healthcare and reduce our deficit. The Restoring Americans' Healthcare Freedom Reconciliation Act has passed both the House and Senate and will be sent to President Obama for signature or veto.

Carter Fights to Protect the Nation, Secure the Border, Support Military, Veterans

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(WASHINGTON, DC) – Representative John R. Carter (R-TX-31) is fighting for Central Texas values, protecting our nation against increasing threats, securing our border, and supporting our military and veterans. This past year in Congress, Rep. Carter and House Republicans have led the fight against President Obama and his liberal policies, including his unlawful executive amnesty.

Carter Votes to Support Military, Strengthen National Security, Protect Seniors, Reduce Deficit, Repeal Obamacare Mandate

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(WASHINGTON, DC) – Today, Rep. John R. Carter (R-TX-31) voted to support our military, strengthen our national defense, protect seniors from sky rocketing premiums, reduce the deficit, and repeal an Obamacare employer mandate.

Carter Votes to Defund Planned Parenthood and Dismantle Obamacare

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Washington, DC)- Today Rep. John R. Carter (R-TX-31) voted for H.R. 3762, the Restoring Americans' Healthcare Freedom Reconciliation Act. Under budget reconciliation, the bill will reduce the deficit by a net $78.9 billion by repealing a number of provisions and employer mandates in Obamacare, repealing the federal excise tax on medical devices and certain employer-provided health coverage plans, and by defunding Planned Parenthood.

Rep. Carter Fights for Texas and Border States: Obama's Immigration Overreach Passes the Buck to Border States

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Congressman John Carter, (R-TX31) Chairman of the Homeland Security Subcommittee on Appropriations, has proposed language to be included in the Fiscal Year 2016 Labor, Health, and Human Services (FY16 Labor-HHS ) funding bill to help relieve the burden of healthcare and education costs on state and local communities as a result of illegal immigration.

Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act- Certainty for Seniors, Physicians and American Taxpayers

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Congressman John Carter (R-TX31) is releasing the following statement regarding the recent House passage of H.R. 2, the Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act, to repeal the flawed Sustainable Growth Rate (SGR) formula and replace it with a long-term, sustainable plan.

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