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Carter Says States Should be allowed to Deny Medicaid Funds, State Funds to Abortion Providers for all Health Care ServiceS

(WASHINGTON, DC) – Today, Rep. John R. Carter (R-TX) voted in favor of the Women's Public Health and Safety Act. This bill allows states to determine whether individuals or entities that perform elective abortions can participate as providers in their Medicaid programs.

Today, Rep. John R. Carter (R-TX) voted in favor of the Women’s Public Health and Safety Act. This bill allows states to determine whether individuals or entities that perform elective abortions can participate as providers in their Medicaid programs. This bill will empower states with the ability to exclude abortion providers like Planned Parenthood from Medicaid.

“We must protect and respect the sanctity of life beginning at conception,” said Rep. Carter. “This bill will allow states, who know better what the people of their state want than Washington, DC bureaucrats, to block abortion clinics and individuals who perform abortions from their state Medicaid programs. This sends a clear message to those who participate in this heinous act that no tax payer dollars will be funneled your way.”


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