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Rep. John Carter's Statement on King V Burwell Decision

Representative John Carter (R-TX-31) released the following statement in regards to the Supreme Court's ruling on King v Burwell, in regards to subsidies covered by the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare)

Representative John Carter (R-TX-31) released the following statement in regards to the Supreme Court’s ruling on King v Burwell, in regards to subsidies covered by the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare):

“Today the Supreme Court sided with the Obama Administration and ruled to uphold portions of Obamacare, including providing subsidies to healthcare consumers signed up through the Federal exchange. I vehemently oppose Obamacare, and proudly voted against its inception. In fact, I have voted more than 60 times to repeal, defund, and dismantle the law. As a conservative I know that Obamacare is ill-conceived and poorly crafted legislation and I will not stop fighting until we abolish this law and enact common-sense reforms.”


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