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Undiagnosed Disease News Conference This Morning

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MEDIA ADVISORYFor immediate release: July 27, 2011NIH slated to house national database on undiagnosed illnessesThe National Institutes of Health would be authorized to create a new database to advance the early detection, prevention, treatment, cure, and control of undiagnosed diseases, under legislation to be introduced at 10am by U.S. Rep. John Carter during a news conference in the…

MEDIA ADVISORY: Undiagnosed Disease Bill to be re-introduced in House

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For immediate release: July 22, 2011Undiagnosed Disease Bill to be re-introduced in House  NIH Slated to house national database on Undiagnosed IllnessesPatients suffering from undiagnosed illnesses would have an improved chance of discovering successful treatment options if a bill scheduled to be introduced next Wednesday by U.S. Rep. John Carter (R-TX) is passed into law.The CAL…

Live Webcast Tonight

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Please join me tonight at roughly 7:00pm Central time for another live webcast from our Washington office on the debt ceiling debate along with the latest on securing our borders, fighting job-killing regulations, and any other Congressional issue in which you have an interest.The webcast will be live on our website at WWW.HOUSE.GOV/CARTER, and also viewable simultaneously on our UStream…

Carter Praises Court Ruling for Healthcare Freedom

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Carter Praises Court Ruling for Healthcare Freedom (ROUND ROCK, TEXAS) – The federal court today struck a blow for healthcare freedom and the U.S. Constitution in finding the entire Obamacare bill unconstitutional, according to House Republican Conference Secretary John Carter, a former Texas judge for two decades before coming to Congress. "This decision confirms what critics…

Healthcare Repeal Fights New Federal Red Tape

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Healthcare Repeal Fights New Federal Red TapeInstant Replay: Carter House Floor Speech on CSPANAmericans ability to keep their current health plan and their jobs would be protected by today’s House repeal of the so-called "Access to Affordable Health Care" Act, or ObamaCare, which passed with the support of Texas Congressman John Carter (R-31). The controversial and…

Congressional Review Act Revived

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Congressional Oversight Revivedby Congressman John Carter This past November voters made their voices heard through one of the biggest congressional landslides in American history. Since 2009 the country repeatedly screamed no to the Democrats’ political agenda. Yet they were ignored by President Obama, House Speaker Pelosi, and Senate Leader Reid, who used their heavy Democrat…

American Rule of Law Restored in Overturn of Federal Health Mandate

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American Rule of Law Restored in Overturn of Federal Health Mandate(ROUND ROCK, TX) – The Rule of Law in America has been upheld in the U.S. District Court decision today to overturn the individual mandate in Obamacare, according to House Republican Conference Secretary John Carter.“The icing to this great decision is that the court saw straight through the legal argument…

Federal Throttling of Private Health Plans Challenged by Carter Resolution

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The fate of the health plans of roughly half of Americans who buy their own policies could be determined by the upcoming battle between federal regulators and House Republican Conference Secretary John Carter. Carter today introduced H.J. Resolution 103 disapproving the regulation proposed by the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) requiring all health plans to pay a minimum…

Carter Hosts America Speaking Out Townhall Saturday in Georgetown

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Americans have been ignored for too long, and they’re ready to speak out about what the government is – but mostly isn’t – doing to help them out in a time of need.This Saturday, July 3, Congressman John Carter (TX-31) will host his second townhall event as part of the “America Speaking Out” initiative to gather ideas from the American people and…

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