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American Rule of Law Restored in Overturn of Federal Health Mandate

American Rule of Law Restored in Overturn of Federal Health Mandate

(ROUND ROCK, TX) – The Rule of Law in America has been upheld in the U.S. District Court decision today to overturn the individual mandate in Obamacare, according to House Republican Conference Secretary John Carter.

“The icing to this great decision is that the court saw straight through the legal argument bait-and-switch attempted by the Administration in first trying to define the scheme as a fine, then as a tax,” says Carter, a Texas judge for two decades before coming to Congress.   “This court rejected the sophistry, and made the clear-cut decision necessary to defend the Rule of Law and the Constitution.”

Carter praised the legal efforts of Virginia Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli in bringing the very-narrowly tailored suit before the court, and called for all Americans to support the case as it will likely eventually be appealed to the U.S. Supreme Court.

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