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Healthcare Repeal Fights New Federal Red Tape

Healthcare Repeal Fights New Federal Red Tape

Instant Replay: Carter House Floor Speech on CSPAN

Americans ability to keep their current health plan and their jobs would be protected by today’s House repeal of the so-called "Access to Affordable Health Care" Act, or ObamaCare, which passed with the support of Texas Congressman John Carter (R-31).

The controversial and unpopular health care reform bill was signed into law last year under a Democrat House, Senate, and White House. Republicans, including Carter, campaigned on a pledge to vote to repeal the new law if given the majority in the House.

"The President wrote in the Wall Street Journal yesterday that he has issued an executive order calling for all agencies to identify job-killing and costly red tape that can be eliminated," said Carter. "We should resolve to help him by eliminating the thousands of new regulations that will be dumped on individuals and businesses over the next 4 years by a bad health care law."

Carter cited 6,123 pages of requirements for new health care rules in the Federal Register, as well as a report by the Center for Health Transformation finding 159 new federal agencies created by the law.

The former Texas judge said the current law written behind closed doors should be replaced with bipartisan reforms that let people keep both their job and their health insurance.

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