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Pledge to America: Carter Unveils GOP Plan on CSPAN

Carter Unveils New GOP Pledge to America Plan on CSPAN

 Carter Details New GOP Agenda on CSPAN: Instant Replay

The Pledge to America was not written by politicians, but by American citizens nationwide who responded to the Republican leadership request for public input on a new direction for America, according to House Republican Conference Secretary John Carter this morning on CSPAN Washington Journal.

A full replay of the appearance can be found at:

CSPAN Washington Journal with John Carter

Carter, one of six elected Republican leaders in the House, held extensive live and electronic town hall meetings throughout the year to gain input from voters on how they wanted to correct the misdirection of the country by House Democrats and the Obama Administration. 

“The broad consensus ideas that emerged are what make up this document,” says Carter. “This is what the American people are telling Congress to do, and our pledge to do it.” 

The full text of the Republican Pledge to America can be found online at:

Pledge to America

Key points of the Pledge to America include job creation and economic growth, restoring the Rule of Law to Congress and the federal government, cutting spending and reclaiming the trillions of tax dollars given away under the Obama stimulus, killing the pending January tax hikes, and strengthening national defense and homeland security.

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