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Carter, Malliotakis Introduce Legislation to Prohibit Migrant Shelters on U.S. Military Bases

Today, Congressman John Carter (TX-31) and Congresswoman Nicole Malliotakis (NY-11) introduced legislation to prevent migrants from being housed on military bases located in the United States by prohibiting the use of federal funds to facilitate such shelter. The legislation comes after blue state governors have requested President Biden house illegal migrants on military bases.
Today, Congressman John Carter (TX-31) and Congresswoman Nicole Malliotakis (NY-11) introduced legislation to prevent migrants from being housed on military bases located in the United States by prohibiting the use of federal funds to facilitate such shelter. The legislation comes after blue state governors have requested President Biden house illegal migrants on military bases.
“As the crisis at the border explodes, the Biden administration is looking to house the overflow of illegal immigrants on America’s military installations,” said Representative Carter. “President Biden’s failures shouldn’t be the burden of our service members or their families. Housing illegal immigrants on military installations detracts from the military’s mission to protect the homeland and is not a suitable solution to handle the border crisis. Instead, this administration needs to focus on stopping the flow and securing the border, not providing them housing at the expense of our military.” 
"Protecting the safety of our residents and our national security should be a top priority for every elected official from the local level all the way up to President Biden," Malliotakis said. "Allowing unvetted migrants from all over the world to be placed on our military installations would not only cause irreparable damage to the sites themselves, but jeopardize the critical national security operations underway to keep our citizens safe. That's why I've introduced legislation to prohibit federal funds from being used to house migrants on our military bases and federal park land so we can prioritize the safety and security of American citizens - something Democrats are refusing to do." 

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