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First Responders, Providing Protection

Since September 11, 2001 the topic of Homeland Security has been forced to the forefront of the minds of Americans. We as Americans are more aware than ever before of the security needs of our homeland. The tragic events of that now infamous day, September 11, 2001, have forever changed the ...

Washington, May 12, 2005 -  

Since September 11, 2001 the topic of Homeland Security has been forced to the forefront of the minds of Americans. We as Americans are more aware than ever before of the security needs of our homeland. The tragic events of that now infamous day, September 11, 2001, have forever changed the landscape of securing our homeland and her people. Not only have security needs been altered, but our frame of mind in regards to freedoms and liberties will never be the same.

Fortunately, we are under the leadership of a President George W. Bush and the administration who recognize these ongoing threats and the need for American safety and peace of mind. Under the guidance of President Bush, citizens of this nation and the world are protected from the unwarranted attacks of these terrorists. Our preventative actions in Iraq set the stage for engaging our enemies in their homeland rather than allowing this unconventional war to take place in ours. By taking the fight to them we have been able to fulfill our duty of protecting innocent Americans. It is due to those who have made the ultimate sacrifice and those who continue to serve us in the Middle East that we are living safely at home in the United States.

Advances in homeland security have not solely been abroad. Considerable progress has been made in the resources available to our nation’s first responders. Our first responders are charged with the responsibility of being constantly vigilant and ready, able to defend our homeland promptly and competently. These courageous men and women have dedicated themselves to protecting their fellow Americans.

Ensuring effective and efficient funding for our first responders is one of the highest priorities of House Republicans. H. R. 1544, Faster and Smarter Funding for First Responders Act of 2005, provides new formula consisting of priority assistance to first responders facing the greatest risk and streamlines terrorism preparedness grants. The plan also requires the establishment of specific, flexible, and measurable goals for first responders, and encourages states and localities to pool resources for regional benefit, all while following the valued recommendations of the 9/11 Commission.

The House of Representative passed today the H.R. 1544, which provides responders with the resources necessary to enhance their ability to protect America. This funding provides firefighters and police officers with the resources, equipment, and technology needed to best protect Americans.

Just as terrorists are not arbitrary in selecting their targets, we cannot be arbitrary with how we protect our nation. The creation of a First Responders Grant Board will help prioritize grant applications based on threat, vulnerability, and consequences of a terrorist attack.

Measures have been taken by the United States on a global and domestic level to enhance the security of our homeland. Our country and world has experienced a change of times requiring a change in actions. With the safety of the United States riding on the breakdown of terrorist regimes and upon the resources and abilities of our first responders, we are continually a more secure nation.

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