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Cong. Carter: President's Budget Funds Secure Borders, National Priorities

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Congressman John Carter (TX-31) today gave initial support to requests in the President's budget, which was submitted to Congress today. The 2007 budget request increases funding for defense and homeland security priorities, reduces healthcare costs, and promotes initia...

Washington, May 7, 2005 -

U.S. Congressman John Carter (TX-31) today gave initial support to requests in the President’s budget, which was submitted to Congress today. The 2007 budget request increases funding for defense and homeland security priorities, reduces healthcare costs, and promotes initiatives to strengthen families, while controlling spending.     

“I am encouraged by the fact that the President’s budget includes funding to protect and strengthen our borders, including 1,500 new border patrol agents, 6,000 new detention beds, 560 detention and removal personnel, and 257 attorneys to expedite the removal of illegal immigrants,” Congressman Carter said. “The initiatives in the President’s request will fund America’s priorities, such as defending our nation, growing our economy, and protecting our families while maintaining fiscal responsibility and accountability. As the House considers the budget, we will remain committed to being good stewards of taxpayer dollars and eliminating waste and abuse in government programs.” 

In the next several weeks, Congress will review the budget and make recommendations before sending it to the House floor. Once the budget is voted on in the House, it will be referred to the Appropriations Committee. Congressman Carter sits on the Appropriations Committee, which will determine how the money in the budget is distributed.

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