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Carter Strengthens ID Laws Against Illegal Immigrants

(Washington, DC)- Representative John Carter (TX-31) joined his colleagues in cosponsoring the Airline Passenger Identification Act, which prohibits the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) from accepting arrest warrants and other immigration documents as identification at airport security. Under President Biden's immigration policies, illegal immigrants have been allowed to use arrest warrants as a means of identification when flying, but this bill would end that practice and require TSA to notify law enforcement if a non-citizen uses an arrest warrant to fly.
"Illegal immigrants should not be allowed more freedoms than American citizens," said Representative Carter. "American citizens are required to have a federally accepted ID with them when travelling and allowing illegal immigrants to use arrest warrants or other immigration documents is not only absurd, but spreads the border crisis far beyond the southern border. Not to mention, if there is a warrant out for an immigrant's arrest, they should be arrested, not allowed to board a plane. I cosponsored this bill to push the TSA to tighten their requirements and keep our communities safe."

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