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Chairman Carter cosponsors Keep the IRS Off Your Health Care Act of 2013

The IRS has lost the trust of the American people and members of Congress. After admitting that it singled out conservative advocacy groups seeking tax-exempt status, Congressman John Carter and other Congressional members are fighting to keep the IRS fro

The IRS has lost the trust of the American people and members of Congress. After admitting that it singled out conservative advocacy groups seeking tax-exempt status, Congressman John Carter and other Congressional members are fighting to keep the IRS from being allowed to implement or enforce any provisions or amendments of Obamacare.

The Keep the IRS Off Your Health Care Act of 2013 passed today.

“The IRS’s biased and unfair methods have no place in the health care decision making process for the American public. Those decisions should be left to patients and their doctors, not a government agency that has blatantly broken the law,” said Congressman Carter, cosponsor of the Keep the IRS Off Your Health Care Act of 2013.

The bill was authored by Rep. Tom Price, (R-GA6) Vice Chair of the House Committee on the Budget, and has a total of 145 cosponsors. The bill also has the support of Americans for Tax Reform and FreedomWorks.

Chairman Carter urged his colleagues in Congress to vote for H.R. 2009, saying the IRS’s irresponsible actions will have detrimental effects on health care.

“How can we trust the IRS with our healthcare when it can’t even be trusted to do its job properly? Obamacare is a convoluted mess that is bad for American families, job creators and physicians. Giving the IRS any role in its implementation would be damaging to health care.”

Chairman Carter gave a speech on the House floor on this issue. To view it, click here. For more information on the bill, please check out The Library of Congress. #stopgovtabuse

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