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First Priorities: Protect the Public, Support Victims and Families of Boston Explosions

House Homeland Security Appropriations Subcommittee Chairman John Carter (R-TX31) called for all federal authorities to place first priorities in the Boston Marathon bombings on protecting the public from further attack, and providing comfort and treatment for the victims of the incident and their families. 

“We should immediately pause to place the victims and their families in the prayers of the nation, as well as the first responders and those working now to protect us from any further attack,” says Carter. “We will spare no effort in investigating this incident to determine who is responsible, and in bringing the perpetrators to justice.”  

Chairman Carter says today’s events should serve to remind the country that we must be forever vigilant in defending the homeland. The Subcommittee is actively working with and being briefed by the Department of Homeland Security, and stands ready to respond as more details on the incident are known. 

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