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82% of Central Texas Says No to Democrats' Health Plan

(ROUND ROCK, TEXAS) – Central Texans are overwhelming opposed to the Democrats’ health care plan, according to poll results and constituent feedback received by U.S. Representative John Carter (R-TX).

"Based on what I’ve heard from folks here at home, the healthcare bill in the House is absolutely unacceptable to Texans," say Carter. "While these are not scientific polls, results like these repeated over and over from thousands of voters send an unmistakable message. This bill must be defeated."

Carter says that to date, 85% of the unsolicited calls, letters, and emails received by his offices on the health care proposal have been in strong opposition to the plan. That number has been reinforced by two polls Carter conducted starting in late July.

Beginning July 18, Carter conducted an email poll of residents of the 31st Congressional district, to which 4,962 had responded through August 6. The poll posted a single question with no introductory remarks or any description of the proposal, asking simply "from what you have heard and read, what is your opinion of the healthcare reform package moving through Congress?".

E-Mail Poll (7/18-8/6)

Oppose 82.77% (4,107 responses)

Support 13.12% (651 responses) 

Undecided 4.11% (204 responses)

Carter conducted a separate poll as part of a July 21 teleconference townhall meeting of 31st District residents, to which call participants were asked to choose between support, oppose, or undecided. 397 people participated in the survey.

Carter says he is continuing to seek constituent input on the proposal, and has scheduled public meetings in Salado on August 22 and in Sun City on August 28, along with numerous meetings with groups and organizations in the district over the August congressional recess.

Teleconference Townhall Survey (7/21)

Oppose 81.86% (325 responses)

Support 11.08% (44 responses)

Undecided 7.05% (28 responses)

82% of Central Texans Say No to Democrats’ Health Plan

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