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ICYMI: Congressman Carter Holds Press Conference on Veterans Transplant Coverage Act

Today, Congressman John R. Carter (TX-31), Central Texas Veterans Health Care System Director Christopher Sandles, and the Nelson family, held a press conference to announce the signing of the Veterans Transplant Coverage Act, as a part of the VA MISSION Act.

Cedar Park, TX) – Today, Congressman John R. Carter (TX-31), Central Texas Veterans Health Care System Director Christopher Sandles, and the Nelson family, held a press conference to announce the signing of the Veterans Transplant Coverage Act, as a part of the VA MISSION Act.

Background: In spring 2016, Charles Nelson, a 100% service connected disabled veteran, reached out to Congressman Carter after being denied VA coverage for a life-saving organ transplant, because Charles’ donor and son, Coty, was not a veteran. Congressman Carter introduced the Veterans Transplant Coverage Act as a result of listening to the Nelson family’s heartbreaking story, and the legislation was originally passed through the U.S. House in November 2017. The Veterans Transplant Coverage Act language was included in the VA MISSION Act for final passage. The VA MISSION Act will be signed by President Trump this week.

Congressman Carter’s language will require the Department of Veterans Affairs to provide organ transplants to veterans from a live donor regardless of whether or not that donor is a veteran at the facility of the veteran’s choice. Current VA policy excludes non-veteran live donations from coverage under the VA Choice Program and forces veterans to specific VA treatment facilities. 

Rep. Carter represents Texas District 31, which includes Fort Hood, the largest active duty armored military installation in the free world. He serves as co-chairman of the Congressional Army Caucus and Chairman of the Military Construction and Veterans Affairs Subcommittee on Appropriations.

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