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Carter Protects Fire Departments from Obamacare Burdens

A new bill that passed the House of Representatives today will relieve fire departments from the burdensome regulations of Obamacare.

A new bill that passed the House of Representatives today will relieve fire departments from the burdensome regulations of Obamacare. Congressman John Carter (TX-31) cosponsored H.R. 3979 the Protecting Volunteer Firefighters and Emergency Responders Act of 2014 that not only relieves fire departments of Obamacare’s overreach, but it also exempts them from having to require health insurance to their volunteers.

“This bill will relieve volunteer fire departments of the heavy regulations imposed by Obamacare,” said Congressman Carter. “Most volunteers have other means of obtaining health insurance and therefore this legislation will ensure these volunteer departments can use their allocated funds in the most efficient way possible, allowing them to effectively continue protecting the lives and properties in our community.” 

Leander Fire Chief Bill Gardner, who is also President of the State Firemen’s & Fire Marshals’ Association of Texas and represents  21-thousand volunteer firefighters through the organization, says the passage of this bill will ensure local departments have more control of recruiting volunteers.

“The passing of this bill helps to ensure that there is not undue financial hardships placed on volunteer fire departments who are struggling to recruit and retain volunteers,” said Gardner. “The passing of this bill will allow agencies to be able to spend their funds for training and equipment in allow for better service for their customers.”

MORE NEWS: Leander Fire Department Receives Large Grant

Congressman Carter serves as the Chairman of the Homeland Security Subcommittee on Appropriations which appropriates funds to FEMA, also helped secure a $473,375 grant for the Leander Fire Department to hire a Volunteer Liaison who will recruit new, diverse volunteers and also work to retain current and future members.  

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