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Obamacare Puts American's Information at Risk

Carter Demands Secure and Transparent Healthcare

Americans have a right to know if their personal information is put at risk by Obamacare. Congressman John Carter (R-TX31) is an original cosponsor of the Health Exchange Security and Transparency Act, legislation which would require Health and Human Services (HHS) to alert individuals within 48 hours of security breaches on the Obamacare health exchanges. 

“The President and HHS Secretary Sebelius knew they were putting the American public at risk when they launched the Obamacare website in October.  The exchanges were obviously not ready and the website did not even receive its final security testing before the launch,” said Congressman John Carter, Chairman of the Appropriations Subcommittee on Homeland Security. “This law should have been delayed, but instead the President put the American public’s personal information at risk for political gain. As if it wasn’t bad enough, the Obama Administration does not even have to notify individuals of a security breach.

This is unacceptable, which is why I am an original cosponsor of this bill which would require HHS to alert individuals within 48 hours of security breaches on the Obamacare health exchanges. We must demand transparency from one of the least transparent Administrations in history.”

The House is expected to vote on the measure on Friday. You can read the draft of the legislation online here

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