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Regular Order - Imagine That!

Regular order is our friend, especially in this fight to delay Obamacare, a system that is undeniably flawed and not even close to being ready for primetime.

Congressman John Carter (R-TX31) is releasing the following statement regarding the government shutdown.

“Today, the Federal Government has regrettably shut its doors and turned off its lights; this is a clear result of President Obama, his administration and the Senate’s unfortunate failure to come to the table with the House and listen to the American people.

For years, I have pushed for the timely passage of our Nation’s annual appropriations bills through the House and Senate. With the exception of recent history, every year since 1789 Congress has passed regular appropriations bills to keep the government funded. Passing all annual appropriations bills is called being in 'regular order.'

Regular order is our friend, especially in this fight to delay Obamacare, a system that is undeniably flawed and not even close to being ready for primetime.

Why haven’t we been using this constitutionally directed process? Maybe it’s because 58% of the members of Congress have been there less than six years. It’s a foreign concept to these new members but a historic moment to get back to our constitutional duty. We must return to this process that will bring the Senate to the table after three rejected solutions.

I stand ready with my colleagues in Washington to fix this budgetary mess. I will not stand idly by and allow President Obama and Harry Reid to shut this government down at the foot of Obamacare and in defense of Democrats’ out of control spending.”

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