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Chairman Carter votes America's Voice

Congressman John Carter (R-TX31) today continued fighting for the conservative values of Central Texans in District 31. The House of Representatives has listened to the American people, voting to fund the government at current levels through December 15.

Congressman John Carter (R-TX31) today continued fighting for the conservative values of Central Texans in District 31. The House of Representatives has listened to the American people, voting to fund the government at current levels through December 15. The vote would also delay Obamacare for one year and stop the largest single tax increase in American history.

“There's not a day that goes by, when I’m home in Texas, that a church member, small business owner, a constituent at the grocery store, or a fan in the football stands doesn't tell me how bad Obamacare is for them,” said Congressman Carter. “I appreciate their encouragement as I continue to fight the bankrupting of this country.”

The two amendmentsto the Senate proposal, which were passed by the House, would also change the date of the Continuing Resolution back to December 15, 2013.

The added amendments will delay Obamacare for one year until Dec. 31, 2014, including suspending all Obamacare taxes and Obamacare’s preventative services mandate for those with religious or moral objections. They will also permanently repeal the onerous, job-killing 2.3 percent excise tax on medical devices that will raise costs for everyday Americans.

“Now it’s time for the Senate to wake up! The voice of the American people is loud and clear- fund our government with fiscal discipline, delay President Obama's horrendous Obamacare and prevent the largest single tax increase in America history. We cannot allow this administration and the Senate to continue business as usual. We have listened and will continue to deliver the voice of the American public. Now it’s the Senate’s turn to listen.” 

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