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Rep. Carter votes for continuing resolution, encourages Senate to join the fight

Chairman Carter voted Friday, September 20, for the continuing resolution to keep the government working, control spending and defund Obamacare.

Today Congressman John Carter (R-TX31) and his House colleagues passed a continuing resolution in a bi-partisan vote of 230 to 189 to keep the government open and avoid a harmful government shutdown. It now goes to the Senate where his republican counterparts will continue the fight to defund Obamacare and push Senate democrats and the President to keep the government running.

“This bill does what is necessary to prevent a government shutdown, sustain vital military and security operations, hold our government’s spending in check, and provide the time to allow us to return to regular order,” said Congressman Carter, Chairman of the Homeland Security Appropriations Subcommittee. “This CR will prevent a disastrous government shutdown that no one wants and that would be especially harmful for our men and women in uniform, including the soldiers and military families that I represent at Fort Hood.”

The CR would also defund Obamacare, a law that even the White House has admitted is full of red tape and higher costs.

“The American people, especially those that I represent in District 31 have spoken loud and clear; Obamacare must be defunded. It is a tremendously flawed law that is wreaking havoc on businesses and American’s alike. This bill represents their voice,” said Chairman Carter. “It is now in our Senators’ hands to keep up this fight. I have every confidence they will push Senate democrats and the President into realizing a government shutdown is not in their best interest, and is certainly not in the best interest of the American people. I stand ready to assist them in this fight in any way possible. We’re depending on them, and our constituents are depending on all of us.”

Chairman Carter is adamant that a broader budget deal is reached and expects the CR to allow Congress more time to finalize a budget.

“For years I have pushed for a return to regular order. We must complete the fiscal year 2014 appropriations bills and get our Nation’s fiscal house in order,” said Chairman Carter. “Our Constitution provides Congress the checks and balances to hold the President and his administration accountable by using the power of the purse to determine how taxpayer dollars shall be spent. This CR will allow us to return to regular order, fund the government, and avert an unnecessary and politically-motivated crisis. I urge the Senate to pass this and the President to sign it into law as soon as possible to avoid a devastating and avoidable government shutdown.”

Please see the attached link for Chairman Carter’s speech on the House Floor regarding the CR.

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