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Texas House GOP Congressional Delegation Stands United

The Texas Republican delegation of the U.S. House of Representatives sent a letter today to every member of the United States Senate, urging senators to unite with them in the effort to defund Obamacare through the continuing resolution.

Texas House GOP Congressional Delegation Stands United
The Texas Republican delegation of the U.S. House of Representatives sent a letter today to every member of the United States Senate, urging senators to unite with them in the effort to defund Obamacare through the continuing resolution.

The full text of the letter is below. For a PDF of the letter with signatures, please click here.

“The Republicans in the House have stood up for the health and well-being of the American people and sent a clear message to President Obama: Obamacare is destroying jobs, reducing full-time jobs to part-time jobs, ending health insurance policies that people want to keep, and forcing doctors that patients loved to leave the practice of medicine.

Obamacare is causing insurance rates and healthcare costs to skyrocket. Real people are being told they will not get the procedures or medical devices they need. Doctors and patients need to make these life-and-death decisions, not Obamacare bureaucrats, especially when the consequences could be fatal.

The House has voted 41 times to defund, delay and repeal this flawed law, and we have successfully repealed seven hurtful, abusive and wasteful Obamacare programs. Today we passed a continuing resolution to ensure that no more taxpayer dollars are wasted on Obamacare.

Now, it is up to the Republicans and like-minded Democrats in the Senate to continue the charge to defend the American people from this disaster to their health and finances. We urge you to use all of the legislative tools at your disposal, including the filibuster, to protect America from this train wreck.

Now is the time for the Senate to stand up for all those constituents who spoke so passionately at our town hall meetings about the irreparable harm Obamacare is causing. They did not want it passed; it is worse than they thought; so now they want it stopped.

We urge you to stand with us.”

Read the FULL text of the letter, here.

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