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Carter Supports Families First Coronavirus Response Act

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Representative John Carter (TX-31) voted in favor of the amended Families First Coronavirus Response Act, bipartisan legislation to help Americans navigate the impacts of the Coronavirus pandemic. This legislation is a culmination of bipartisan negotiations to ensure that the federal government continues to respond responsibly to COVID-19 and prioritizes funding for the most vulnerable populations.

Carter's Veterans Transplant Coverage Act Signed into Law

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Today, President Donald Trump signed Congressman John Carter's (TX-31) legislation, the Veterans Transplant Coverage Act into law, as part of the VA Mission Act. The Veterans Transplant Coverage Act requires the Department of Veterans Affairs to provide organ transplants to veterans from a live donor, regardless of whether or not that donor is a veteran.

U.S. congressman learns about Killeen ISD career and trade curriculum

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The U.S. congressman representing the Killeen area offered personal support to career and technical education during a visit Oct. 18 to the KISD Career Center. Taking up an invitation from school district leaders during a visit to Washington, D.C., U.S. Rep. John Carter learned firsthand from students the power of the kind of education offered at the career-focused high…

Carter Votes to Repeal, Replace Obamacare

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Today, Rep. John R. Carter voted in support of the American Health Care Act (AHCA) when it passed the House. The bill repeals Obamacare and replaces it with an innovative plan that protects those with pre-existing conditions, lifts lifetime caps on medical care, expands health savings accounts, and allows dependents to stay on their parent's plan until they are 26 years old. This legislation ensures that insurance companies are prohibited from denying coverage on the basis of a pre-existing condition, banned from rescinding coverage based on a pre-existing condition, and prevented from raising premiums on individuals with pre-existing conditions who maintain continuous coverage.

Carter Supports Short Term Funding Bill

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Today, Rep. John R. Carter supported a bipartisan measure that will keep the government funded through December 9 of this year. The bill funds discretionary government operations at the rate they were funded in fiscal year 2016, minus an across-the-board reduction of 0.496 percent. In addition, the legislation includes the text of the Military Construction, Veterans Affairs, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act and includes supplemental appropriations for Zika prevention and response.

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