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House Votes to Block 1 Million Obamacare Layoffs

For Immediate Release: July 11, 2012
House Votes to Block 1 Million Obamacare Layoffs

The U.S. House of Representatives today again voted to repeal Obamacare, in hopes of blocking the layoff of an estimated 1 million middle-income American workers as a result of the controversial federal healthcare takeover.

“This President is already known as the ‘food stamps’ President, and this healthcare monstrosity will only add to his record as a million more workers lose their jobs to suffocating regulations,  higher taxes, and spiraling health costs as a direct result of Obamacare,” says Carter.

The non-partisan Congressional budget office estimates that 800,000 current workers will lose their jobs starting in January as employers are forced to layoff employees in the face of costly new mandates under the law.  Private economists estimate 1-2 million workers will be fired.

“This President’s policies and spending have left us with over 8% unemployment for 41 straight months, the worst jobless streak since the Great Depression, and this bill is guaranteed by all sources to add to the pain of working families,” says Carter.  “This is why so many House members promised to repeal it,  why we have done so in this body in whole or part over 30 times, and why I am willing to do so in the future for as many times as necessary to save my constituents jobs, homes, and futures.”

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