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New Alternative Healthcare Bill Unveiled in Washington

House Republican leaders today are set to unveil a conservative alternative to the Pelosi healthcare bill that is expected to be brought to a vote in the House this week. And instead of the massive 2,000 page Democrat plan, the final version of the GOP proposal will weigh in at around 230 pages.

Republican Conference Secretary John Carter (TX-31) says the new bill was drawn from the more than 50 alternative healthcare bills and amendments submitted by Republicans this year that Democrats would not allow to be offered or debated in the House.   

“Last week we were told we could offer just one alternative to the Speaker’s monster of a bill,” says Carter. “So we have combined the best of all the great conservative bills that have been submitted to date but were blocked from consideration by the Democrats.  And there is one huge difference up front – this bill actually lowers healthcare costs, expands coverage, and saves jobs, all without raising taxes, which are all absolute mandates from the American public that the Democrats have ignored.” 

Speaker Pelosi’s Government Takeover vs. GOP Common-Sense Solutions


Speaker Pelosi’s Bill

GOP Alternative

Job Losses

Up to 5.5 million


Medicare Cuts

$500 billion


Tax Increases

$729.5 billion


Key Elements of the Republican Alternative:

Lowering health care premiums. The GOP plan will lower health care premiums for American families and small businesses, addressing Americans’ number-one priority for health care reform.

Establishing Universal Access Programs to guarantee access to affordable health care for those with pre-existing conditions. The GOP plan creates Universal Access Programs that expand and reform high-risk pools and reinsurance programs to guarantee that all Americans, regardless of pre-existing conditions or past illnesses, have access to affordable care – while lowering costs for all Americans.

Ending junk lawsuits. The GOP plan would help end costly junk lawsuits and curb defensive medicine by enacting medical liability reforms modeled after the successful state laws of California and Texas. 

Prevents insurers from unjustly cancelling a policy. The GOP plan prohibits an insurer from cancelling a policy unless a person commits fraud or conceals material facts about a health condition.

Encouraging Small Business Health Plans. The GOP plan gives small businesses the power to pool together and offer health care at lower prices, just as corporations and labor unions do.

Encouraging innovative state programs. The GOP plan rewards innovation by providing incentive payments to states that reduce premiums and the number of uninsured.

Allowing Americans to buy insurance across state lines. The GOP plan allows Americans to shop for coverage from coast to coast by allowing Americans living in one state to purchase insurance in another.

Promoting healthier lifestyles. The GOP plan promotes prevention & wellness by giving employers greater flexibility to financially reward employees who adopt healthier lifestyles.

Enhancing Health Savings Accounts (HSAs). The GOP plan creates new incentives to save for future and long-term care needs by allowing qualified participants to use HSAs to pay premiums.

Allowing dependents to remain on their parents’ policies. The GOP plan encourages coverage of young adults on their parents’ insurance through age 25.

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