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Carter Receives Appropriation Subcommittee Assignments

Washington, DC – Late this afternoon Chairman Jerry Lewis, of the House Appropriations Committee, announced the appointment of U.S. Representative John R. Carter (TX-31, Round Rock) to the Military Quality of Life and Veterans Affairs, Homeland Security, and Foreign Operations Subcommittees. "I am...

Military Quality of Life and Veterans Affairs, Homeland Security, and Foreign Operations

Washington, Feb 16, 2005 -

Late this afternoon Chairman Jerry Lewis, of the House Appropriations Committee, announced the appointment of U.S. Representative John R. Carter (TX-31, Round Rock) to the Military Quality of Life and Veterans Affairs, Homeland Security, and Foreign Operations Subcommittees.

"I am honored that Chairman Lewis has asked me to serve on these subcommittees," said Carter, who is serving his second term in Congress. During his first term, Carter served on the Judiciary, Government Reform and Education and the Workforce Committees and served on six subcommittees.

Carter said, "These subcommittees are directly related to my district and will allow my work to have an impact at home and abroad." Carter represents the largest military installation in the world, Ft. Hood, which is playing a major role in the War on Terror and is responsible for the capture of Saddam Hussein.

Earlier this week the subcommittees were restructured and altered the specific duties of the Military Quality of Life and Veterans Affairs, formerly Military Construction, which now include: Veterans Affairs, Basic Allowance for Housing, Facilities Sustainment, Repair and Modernization, Defense Health programs and other programs.

The duties of Foreign Operations and Homeland Security will remain the same as in the 108th Congress.

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