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Carter Announces Promotions

Washington, D.C. – U.S. Representative John R. Carter (TX-31) announced two district staff promotions today. Jonas Miller was promoted to Deputy District Director and Gregory Schannep to Regional Director. Jonas Mille...

Miller and Schannep Promoted

Washington, Feb 14, 2005 -

U.S. Representative John R. Carter (TX-31) announced two district staff promotions today.  Jonas Miller was promoted to Deputy District Director and Gregory Schannep to Regional Director.

            Jonas Miller was promoted from Field Representative to Deputy District Director.  Miller will continue to travel the district, but his duties will expand to handling projects and representing Carter in all counties within the district.  As a longtime citizen of Round Rock, Miller has been an active public servant and has worked in the banking sector.

            Gregory Schannep was promoted from Military Affairs Liaison to Regional District Director.  Besides continuing to carry out the duties of a Military Affairs Liaison, his responsibilities will expand to include being the Director of the Belton District Office and representing the Congressman Carter in Bell County and Fort Hood.   Schannep has an extensive and notable background in the military.  He served in the Special Forces during Vietnam and is a retired Colonel and Chaplain from Ft. Hood.

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