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Carter Demands Answers from DHS on the Transportation of Illegals

(Washington, DC)- Representative John Carter (TX-31) joined his colleagues on the Appropriations Committee in a letter calling on Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security, Alejandro Mayorkas, to provide answers on the use of Americans' hard-earned tax dollars to fund the transportation of illegal immigrants across the United States.
“The Biden Administration created this crisis at the southern border and is now making sure that every community across the United States is impacted by their radical policies," said Representative John Carter. "Secretary Mayorkas owes the American people answers as to why their hard-earned tax dollars are going towards releasing individuals who have broken our laws."
Representative Carter joined Representatives Andy Harris (MD) and Chuck Fleischman (TN), along with Reps Ken Calvert (CA), Dan Newhouse (WA), Hal Rogers (KY), John Moolenaar (MI), Guy Reschenthaler (PA), Tony Gonzales (TX), John Rutherford (FL), Ashley Hinson (IA), Steven Palazzo (MS), Robert Aderholt (AL), Ben Cline (VA), Mark Amodei (NV), David Valadao (CA), Steve Womack (AR), Mike Simpson (ID), and Mike Garcia (CA).
In the letter the members wrote:
“[O]ur constituents have contacted our offices with concerns and outrage over recent reports of aliens being transported and released, at taxpayer expense, into the interior of the United States under the cover of darkness. In light of these reports, we urgently request that you provide our offices a report, broken down by congressional district, detailing how many migrants who have entered the country illegally have been released into the United States, the cost to the federal government of transporting these migrants prior to release, and what security and health screening protocols were in place associated with any such release.”
Read the full letter HERE.

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