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These Texas lawmakers are refusing their paychecks during shutdown

These Texas lawmakers are refusing their paychecks during shutdown

AUSTIN (KXAN) — A number of Texas lawmakers in Congress are forgoing their paychecks during the government shutdown. Last Friday marked the first payday that checks didn’t go out to federal workers because of the shutdown, and Saturday officially made this the longest time the government has been shut down in United States history.

Texas has 36 representatives and two senators. Below is a list of the members of the Texas congressional delegation who are refusing to accept their checks until the government re-opens:

  • Chip Roy, R-Austin
  • Pete Olson, R-Sugar Land
  • Dan Crenshaw, R-Houston
  • Will Hurd, R- San Antonio
  • Van Taylor, R-Plano
  • John Carter, R-Round Rock
  • Roger Williams, R-Austin (donating to the National Mounted Warfare Foundation)
  • Michael McCaul, R-Austin

On Friday, a bill to provide backpay to federal workers after the shutdown ends passed unanimously in the Senate and 411-7 in the House. Rep. Roy was one of the people who voted against it because it also authorized backpay during future shutdowns and he said in a statement: “There is zero question that we should pay federal workers. I do not, however, support putting federal spending on autopilot indefinitely or authorizing future pay irrespective of the circumstances.”

KXAN also reached out to Sen. Ted Cruz and Sen. John Cornyn but did not hear back. This list will be updated as more information becomes available.

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