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Soldiers fighting Ebola should be given combat benefits

Bill provides benefits to soldiers deployed to Africa

Texas Congressional members are working to ensure soldiers deployed to Africa will not have to pay taxes while working to stop the spread of Ebola. Operation United Assistance Tax Exclusion Act of 2014(H.R. 5804), a bi-partisan bill, would give tax benefits to Armed Forces battling the spread of Ebola in West Africa. Those benefits would be similar to benefits awarded to soldiers in combat zones.

“Our soldiers who are at war fighting to eradicate Ebola are faced with an enemy unlike any other. Instead of bullets, our soldiers are fighting against a deadly invisible disease. This is a dangerous situation for them. I pray each day for their safety and health as they fight this new battle,”said Congressman John Carter.“If the President is going to put our sons and daughters in the middle of this war, then they need the full support of the nation. This bill will ensure our soldiers are taken care of back at home and are provided with the same benefits any combat soldier is afforded.”

The bill was written by Rep. Beto O’Rourke (D-TX16) and co-sponsored by Rep. John Carter (R-TX31) and Rep. Roger Williams (R-TX25). Texas Senators, John Cornyn (R-TX)  and Ted Cruz (R-TX) have also written a companion Senate bill.

Rep. O’Rourke represents soldiers stationed at Fort Bliss and says, “I propose this bipartisan bill as a way to support Service Members, like those from Fort Bliss, who are taking on the difficult and life-saving assignment to stem the Ebola epidemic in West Africa."

“There’s no reason our troops serving in West Africa shouldn’t be granted the same tax benefits as those in active duty combat, and I’m pleased to team up with Sen. Cruz and my colleagues in the House on this important bipartisan effort for Texas military families,” said Senator John Cornyn (R-TX).

“Once our armed forces are placed in harm’s way, Congress, and the Commander-in-Chief have a responsibility to support them and to provide security for the families who remain behind while they face danger. The morbidity rate of Ebola poses a substantial danger to those who have been sent to combat it and, for the first time, this risk extends beyond the battlefield and directly threatens the safety of their families. Congress should give these service members the appropriate recognition and respect for their service in times of grave danger, and I am honored to work with Sen. Cornyn and Reps. O’Rourke, Carter and Williams on this legislation,” said Senator Ted Cruz, (R-TX).

"Our all-volunteer troops go above and beyond to save and protect lives, both at home and abroad. With their involvement in the fight against Ebola, a different kind of enemy, it is appropriate and necessary to provide relief to these troops and their families just as they are providing relief to potentially thousands of West Africans. I thank my colleague, Sen. Cruz, for his leadership on this important issue,” said Rep. Roger Williams (R-TX25).

The benefits are specifically for member of the Armed Forces who are serving in Operation United Assistance, required to be monitored for 21 days upon return to the United States. 

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