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VA Accountability Act puts veterans FIRST

The VA Accountability Act is truly common sense reform for a system that has failed many of our veterans.

Congressman John Carter (R-TX31) is issuing the following statement on the passage of the VA Accountability Act passed by the House of Representatives Wednesday, July 30.  

“The VA Accountability Act is a strong improvement to a system that has failed many of our veterans. The veterans come FIRST. This bill will allow veterans the option to pursue care outside of the VA when the VA can’t deliver; a crucial improvement. Accountability standards have also been put in place so when veterans aren’t put FIRST, VA leadership is not rewarded or promoted but rather fired or demoted. To benefit from all of their prior service, this bill will allow our returning heroes the ability to transition seamlessly into civilian life by increasing educational benefits and opportunities.    

Although this bill does not solve all of the problems with the VA system, I am confident it will tackle the reckless and dishonest practices that have come to light in recent months.

 I am committed to the veterans in District 31 and across the country and will not stop fighting to end the dangerous bureaucratic practices of the VA, the President and his Administration. I also eagerly await the results of the independent FBI investigation currently taking place at the Temple VA facility. I have full confidence that the FBI will hold those responsible for the criminal allegations accountable.  Our veterans deserve 100 percent of our support.”


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