More Empty Promises
Washington, DC,
January 29, 2014
Chairman Carter reacts to the President's State of the Union
"We need our President to focus on creating jobs for Americans instead of talking about unemployment and minimum wage,” said Rep. John Carter (R-TX31), Chairman of the Appropriations Subcommittee on Homeland Security, reacting to the President's State of the Union address Tuesday night. “Americans know that President Obama has a track record of broken promises. Out of President Obama’s 24 proposals in his 2013 State of the Union, he only accomplished five. That gives him a batting average of .208. My son is a baseball coach and I know that he wouldn’t bet on player with a .208 batting average. Why should you?" Carter says the President should be focused on creating more jobs for Americans. "My House colleagues and I have passed dozens of bills that would create opportunities for the unemployed. Yet because the President and the Democrat-controlled Senate have not taken action our country saw an undesirable December job report and many Americans stopped looking for work." “This State of the Union was déjà vu and full of empty promises. After five years of failed policies and unworkable goals the President continues to focus on ideology that divides Americans instead of uniting them. The President needs to stop taking a backseat to leading our country and start taking a proactive approach to fixing our nation’s economic issues. We don’t have an unemployment problem; we have a full employment problem. We need to put Americans back to work!” By January 1, 2014, the House of Representatives had passed 167 bills that are stalled in the Democrat-controlled Senate, including dozens of jobs bills such as the REINS Act and the SKILLS Act. Today that number is up to 174. In January, Congress passed a budget plan and an annual spending bill, keeping the government open and appropriating no additional funds for Obamacare. |