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Week in Review for Oct. 7-12

WASHINGTON D.C. - Congressman John Carter (R-TX31), one of eight House Republican Continuing Resolution Conferees, remains committed to funding the government in a fiscally responsible manner, instead of writing a blank check for the Obama Administration

Congressman John Carter (R-TX31), one of eight House Republican Continuing Resolution Conferees, remains committed to funding the government in a fiscally responsible manner, instead of writing a blank check for the Obama Administration

Ø H.J.Res. 91 – Standing for Families of Fallen Soldiers Act- Ensures funding for death gratuities and related benefits for survivors of deceased military service members of the Department of Defense
House Action- Passed 425 to 0 with 197 Democrats in support
Senate Action- No Action

Ø H J Res 79- Border Security and Enforcement Continuing Appropriations Resolution, 2014- Making Continuing Appropriations For Certain Components Of the Department Of Homeland Security For Fiscal Year 2014, and For Other Purposes
House Action- Passed 245-173 with 21 Democrats in support
Senate Action- No Action

Ø H J Res 76- National Nuclear Security Administration Continuing Appropriations Resolution, 2014- Making Continuing Appropriations For the National Nuclear Security Administration For Fiscal Year 2014
House Action- 248-176 with 21 Democrats in support
Senate Action- No Action

Ø H J Res 77- Food and Drug Administration Continuing Appropriations Resolution- Making Continuing Appropriations For the Food and Drug Administration For Fiscal Year 2014
House Action- Passed 235-162 with 20 Democrats in support
Senate Action- No Action

Ø H J Res 89- Making Appropriations For the Salaries and Related Expenses Of Certain Federal Employees During A Lapse In Funding Authority For Fiscal Year 2014
House Action- Passed 420-0 with 194 Democrats in support
Senate Action – No Action

Ø H R 3273- Deficit Reduction and Economic Growth Working Group Act- To establish a bicameral working group on deficit reduction and economic growth
House Action- Passed 224-197 with two Democrats in support
Senate Action- No Action

Ø H J Res 90- Making Continuing Appropriations For the Federal Aviation Administration For Fiscal Year 2014
House Action- Passed 252-172 with 23 Democrats in Support
Senate Action- No Action

Ø H J Res 84- Head Start Continuing Appropriations Resolution, 2014-Making Continuing Appropriations For Head Start For Fiscal Year 2014
House Action- Passed 248-168 with 23 Democrats in support
Senate Action- No Action

Congressman Carter, Back at Home

On Saturday, Congressman Carter travelled back home to visit with his constituents. On Saturday, October 12, Congressman Carter attended the ribbon cutting for the new Eastern Williamson County Higher Education Center where children and adults can pursue technical degrees through TSTC, associate degrees through Temple College and bachelor degrees through Texas A&M Central Texas.

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