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Democrats Block Balanced Budget Amendment

For Immediate Release: November 18, 2011

The nation’s hopes for a balanced federal budget and resulting new jobs were dashed today as House Democrats voted overwhelmingly to continue the Obama Administration’s out-of-control federal spending and handouts, according to House Republican Conference Secretary John Carter (TX-31).   
“There is no excuse for any Democrat to have voted no on this amendment,” says Carter.  “We stripped out all the elements that conservatives like me badly wanted, such as a super-majority for future tax increases.  This version took away any objection that liberals could make, while still providing at least limited deficit protection.   This rejection of even this most basic legal guarantee to stop the red ink is an absolute indictment for fiscal irresponsibility.   It is clear that this crowd’s intention is to thumb their nose at the last election and continue to spend our nation into the ground.”

The final vote was 261-165.  236 Republicans voted yea; 161 Democrats voted no. 

Contact:; (202) 225-3864
U.S. Rep. John Carter
31st District of Texas
409 Cannon House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515

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