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Heathcare Takeover Moves to Court Challenge Phase

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For Immediate Release: March 23, 2010 
Government Healthcare Takeover Scheme Moves to Court Challenge Phase

House Republican Conference Secretary John R. Carter (TX-31) today encouraged efforts by the nation’s state attorneys general to overturn the healthcare scheme signed into law this morning by President Obama.

"The President has signed a bill into law that is brazenly unconstitutional," says Carter. "We applaud the state attorneys general from the 15 states who are moving immediately to seek injunctive relief to stop the implementation of this flawed and illegal Act. Like so much that has been undertaken by the President and Speaker Pelosi, this bill and the process by which it has been advanced through Congress is a blatant violation of the principles of the Rule of Law."

Carter this week began a campaign to build support in Congress for the lawsuits, as part of a multi-tiered approach to repeal and replace the illegal act signed into law earlier today. The former Texas judge supports new legislation to guarantee access to health plans for patients with pre-existing conditions, allow families to buy coverage across state lines, increase the maximum age for children to stay on their parent’s plans, and preserve the TRICARE program for military beneficiaries, while not increasing the federal deficit or infringing on individual rights guaranteed under the Constitution.


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