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Carter is sworn into Second Term

WASHINGTON, D.C. - U.S. Representative John Carter (TX-31) was sworn into his second term of serving the 31st Congressional District, today. "This is a great honor the good people of the 31st District have bestowed upon me," Carter said. Carter arrived in Washington this weekend to begin working ...

Washington, Jan 4, 2005 -

U.S. Representative John Carter (TX-31) was sworn into his second term of serving the 31st Congressional District, today.

"This is a great honor the good people of the 31st District have bestowed upon me," Carter said.

Carter arrived in Washington this weekend to begin working on the Steering Committee. His fellow sophomore members elected him to serve on this committee, which is responsible for assigning Republican members to committees and choosing committee chairmen. Carter said, "We have hit the ground running and I believe that that this will be a memorable and productive session of congress."

Shortly after being sworn in, Carter announced that he will be opening an additional district office in Belton. The office will be located at 116 South East Street, near the courthouse. The office will be open for business on Monday, January 10, and a Grand Opening will follow in the coming weeks.

This office will serve as an extension to the main district office in Round Rock. Carter also said that he plans to hire a Field Representative that will consistently travel to the northern and eastern portions of the district and serve as a mobile office. Staff announcements will be made in the coming days.

Carter finished by saying, "To the people of the 31st District, I am extremely grateful for the opportunity to serve you in the United States Congress. As I have told you all along, I am going to give it my very best and I feel confident that I will be able to do a good job.

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