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Carter Votes to Hold VA Accountable

The House passes the VA Accountability Act

Congressman John Carter (R-TX31) voted yesterday with 390 of his House colleagues to pass a bill that will bring greater accountability to the Department of Veterans Affairs. The House passed the VA Management Accountability Act by a vote of 390-33 vote, with the only “no” votes coming from Democrats.

“As one of 151 cosponsors of this bill, I’m proud that the rest of the House could rally behind veterans and pass legislation that will help the VA to hold bad employees accountable and bring better care to our veterans,” said Congressman Carter, former member of the Appropriations Subcommittee on Veterans Affairs. “Congress has increased funding to the VA by over 300% since 2002. The VA does not have a funding problem; the VA has an accountability and leadership problem. Congress will do whatever it takes to provide veterans with the care and need they deserve, but it doesn’t do any good to fund a system that supports the bureaucrat before the vet.  We have to fix the culture and internal problems of the VA so our veterans can get the best care our tax dollars can provide.”

Unfortunately today the Senate Democrats decided to put politics ahead of our veterans and  block consideration of the VA Management Accountability Act.

“I am deeply disappointed with Senate Democratic leaders for allowing politics to get in the way of passing this crucial bill. Veterans are the primary reason Americans, including Senate Democrats, can exercise the freedoms we do and it’s time we put them first and provide them with the best health care available. As we head into the Memorial Day weekend, I urge my colleagues in the Senate to either reconsider this legislation or propose a bill that will help get our VA in order.” 

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