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Press Releases

House Passes Schiavo Legislation

Washington, D.C. – U.S. Representative John R. Carter (TX-31) made the following statement after the passage of the legislation concerning the case of Terri Schiavo, which he supported: "If the government has a legitimate function, ...

Washington, Mar 21, 2005 -

U.S. Representative John R. Carter (TX-31) made the following statement after the passage of the legislation concerning the case of Terri Schiavo, which he supported:

            “If the government has a legitimate function, it is to protect the helpless and innocent of our society.  Early this morning we did just that and gave Terri Schiavo a chance to continue living.

            “I am grateful House leadership was able to work with leaders across the aisle to find a compromise to save the life of an innocent woman and to provide her with the opportunity to have her case heard in federal court.”

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