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Carter on FY22 National Defense Authorization Act

(Washington, DC) - Representative John Carter (TX-31) released the following statement after voting to pass the Fiscal Year 2022 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA).
"The National Defense Authorization Act equips our nation's military and ensures they have the best possible resources to maintain readiness. Yesterday, I voted on a bill that increases pay for service members, improves the standard of living for active duty families, and increases the Department of Defense's budget. In addition, the FY22 NDAA holds the Biden Administration accountable for its actions in Afghanistan and significantly increases our defenses against China.
"When I voted to support the NDAA three months ago, there were many provisions that myself and my colleagues did not agree with, however military readiness came first. I am proud to say that after months of hard work, my Republican colleagues and I have ensured that the FY22 NDAA no longer includes women in the draft, does not include any 'red flag' laws that would impact Americans' Second Amendment rights, and eliminated the original 'woke' priorities of the Left. As the representative of Ft. Hood, I know how critical military readiness is and I am confident that these provisions will not only improve readiness, but our national defense overall."
Conservative Wins in the NDAA:
  • No longer requires women to register for the draft
  • Eliminates all 'red flag' laws that would infringe on Americans' Second Amendment rights
  • Does not include establishing an 'Office of Extremism' within the Department of Defense
  • Prohibits the dishonorable discharge of a service member who doesn't get the vaccine
  • Increases our defenses against China and Russia
Representative Carter represents Texas’ 31st District which includes Fort Hood, the largest active duty armored military installation in the free world. He serves as Co-Chairman of the Congressional Army Caucus and Ranking Member of the Military Construction of Veterans Affairs Subcommittee on Appropriations.

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