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Democrats Vote to Give Pay Raises to Employees Accused of Sexual Misconduct

Congressman John Carter released the following statement after House Democrats blocked a measure that would've prevented federal employees who have been disciplined for sexual misconduct from receiving a pay raise:

Congressman John Carter released the following statement after House Democrats blocked a measure that would’ve prevented federal employees who have been disciplined for sexual misconduct from receiving a pay raise:

“Today, House Democrats voted to reward federal employees that have engaged in sexual misconduct with a 2.6% pay raise. This pay raise is also the same amount that our military was afforded last year by the Republican Congress. Not only is the Democrats’ decision to reward bad behavior a slap in the face to our military that put their lives on the line and have received the same pay raise, it also shows that the Democrats will not support commonsense legislation simply because it is offered by Republicans. This legislation should not have been partisan; it was simply the right thing to do and the Democrats failed to do the right thing.”

Rep. Carter represents Texas District 31, which includes Fort Hood, the largest active duty armored military installation in the free world. He serves as co-chairman of the Congressional Army Caucus and Ranking Member of the Military Construction and Veterans Affairs Subcommittee on Appropriations.

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