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Local Congressmen visit Kuwait, Iraq

Local Congressmen visit Kuwait, Iraq

Two area congressmen whose districts cover Fort Hood have returned from a trip to Kuwait and Iraq as part of a week long series of meetings with American servicemen and women along with U.S. officials and government leaders in the two countries.

Congressman Roger Williams and Congressman John Carter said the meetings were focused on gaining a better understanding of U.S. military operations in the Middle East and to learn how Congress can support the military and diplomatic efforts in the region.

“It was a great honor to be with our brave service members and diplomats in Iraq and Kuwait. I had the opportunity to meet with troops from all over Texas and the U.S., including our III Corps Phantom Warriors from Ft. Hood,” said Rep. Williams.

“After spending a week with our military men and women, I am more confident than ever that we will win the fight to ensure lasting peace in the region, while also defending American interests abroad. I appreciate the Departments of Defense and State for allowing me the privilege to visit their headquarters in Iraq and Kuwait, and I will continue to work hard in Washington on behalf of our patriots serving overseas.”

“For the last week, I’ve had the opportunity to visit with III Corps Soldiers leading the coalition fight against ISIS, and to say I’m extremely proud and immensely grateful for these soldiers would be an understatement,” said Rep. Carter.

“Witnessing firsthand their determination to defeat the enemy makes me confident that there is no greater bravery than that epitomized by our men and women that wear the uniform. It was my honor to have the opportunity to spend a short time with our Ft. Hood soldiers overseas, and I look forward to working with my colleagues on the Appropriations Committee to continue ensuring that these soldiers have the resources they need to be successful on and off the battlefield.” 

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