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Congressman Carter, Bell County Officials, Salado Leaders Push Texas Sunset Commission about I-35

(ROUND ROCK, TEXAS) – Last Friday, Rep. John R. Carter, secured time in front of the Texas Sunset Commission for leaders from the Village of Salado, to address the Commission regarding the need for productive solutions for the negative impact on the Village during major Texas Department of Transportation projects over the past few years. Congressman Carter requested time of the Commission in order to allow leaders from Salado, to address the detrimental impact the construction and its many delays had on the overall economic well being of the area. Representing the Village of Salado was Skip Blancett, Mayor of Salado; Melanie Kirchmeirer, Member of the Village of Salado Council; and Dave Swarthout, representative of the Village of Salado Chamber of Commerce.

(ROUND ROCK, TEXAS) – Last Friday, Rep. John R. Carter, secured time in front of the Texas Sunset Commission for leaders from the Village of Salado, to address the Commission regarding the need for productive solutions for the negative impact on the Village during major Texas Department of Transportation projects over the past few years. Congressman Carter requested time of the Commission in order to allow leaders from Salado, to address the detrimental impact the construction and its many delays had on the overall economic well being of the area. Representing the Village of Salado was Skip Blancett, Mayor of Salado; Melanie Kirchmeirer, Member of the Village of Salado Council; and Dave Swarthout, representative of the Village of Salado Chamber of Commerce.

“Our Texas Department of Transportation, along with other State and Local leaders must be empowered to impose penalties on contractors who grossly violate their commitments, as we saw during the Interstate 35 project impacting Salado,” said Rep. Carter. “Salado is a small community that relies heavily on tourism. What happened to Salado must not be allowed to happen again in Texas. Our Central Texas economy cannot afford another construction disaster as Salado experienced and expect to survive. Central Texas is booming, and due in part to good mobility. Across the Federal, State and Local entities, we must stand strong together as we undergo more transportation improvement project, and not allow them to hinder our growth.”

The Village of Salado relies heavily on tourism to survive. Over the past few years during the major I-35 improvement project, tourism dropped dramatically, forcing many businesses to close. This had a very negative impact on the economy of Salado, and the region. Newly elected State officials representing Bell County, Dawn Buckingham, Scott Cosper and Hugh Shine, are also calling on the State to address this issue.

 "Infrastructure development is critical to Texas' future, but communities must be protected when contractor delays negatively impact local economies," Senator-elect Dawn Buckingham said. "I am already working with Congressman Carter, our state delegation, local officials and businesses, the Texas Department of Transportation and state leadership on this issue. I am confident we can collectively develop a solution that provides safeguards to Texas communities facing these challenges."

Scott Cosper, State Representative-elect for District 54 which includes Salado, said, “I, too, agree with Congressman Carter that the construction along IH-35 through Salado has been a travesty. We must ensure as we go forward that construction projects like this do not negatively impact local communities. I appreciate Congressman Carter’s initiative in taking the lead in this effort and stand side-by-side with him as we move forward.”

Newly elected State Representative of District 55 Hugh Shine said,"Texas has the largest highway system in the United States with over 200,000 lane miles and over 50,000 bridges that we must maintain, expand and enhance for the purpose of supporting economic growth. Over 80 percent of NAFTA's trade activity passes over Texas' highway network. For these reasons it is necessary that we make sure new highway construction and improvements are done in a timely and efficient manner.” 

 "I greatly appreciate the relationship I have with Congressman Carter, Senator-Elect Buckingham and other community leaders as we work together to insure TXDOT and its Contractors are also mindful of the impact and affect their construction plans and decisions have on our local communities," Shine said. 

Rep. Carter represents Texas District 31, which includes Fort Hood, the largest active duty armored military installation in the free world. He serves as Chairman of the Homeland Security Subcommittee on Appropriations, co-chairman of the House Army Caucus, is on the Subcommittee for Commerce, Justice and Science and the Defense Appropriations Subcommittee.


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