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Statement by Rep. John Carter on President Obama's Agreement with Iran

Today, U.S. Representative John Carter (R-TX-31) released the following statement in regards to President Obama's agreement with Iran.

Today, U.S. Representative John Carter (R-TX-31) released the following statement in regards to President Obama’s agreement with Iran.

“Iran must not be able to acquire a nuclear weapon.  Sadly, today's agreement does the opposite, giving Iran more power to isolate itself from international inspectors and bankrolling the regime's efforts to produce a nuclear weapon.

“At a time of increased global threats to the United States and its allies, it is irresponsible to support any agreement that further destabilizes the middle east, and boosts the economy of a rogue nation whose leaders continually support terrorism by Hezbollah and ISIS, and seeks the elimination of one of our greatest allies, Israel. 

“President Obama once again has reached out to terrorist-supporting rogue leaders as part of his failed foreign policies and lack of national security strategy. His administration’s negotiations with Iran shows just how desperate the President is to meet an arbitrary timeline and come to any agreement, regardless of the consequences, to tout as some political accomplishment.  What the President has ultimately done is weaken our nation and its allies around the globe.  

“I will carefully review this plan, and reject any agreement that does not guarantee Iran does not have the capability to acquire a nuclear weapon.”


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