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Subcommittee Approves Funding for Ft. Hood & Veterans

Washington, D.C. –U.S. Representative John Carter (TX-31) is proud to announce today the first step in the appropriations process has been taken. The Military Quality of Life and Veterans Affairs Subcommittee approved $57,338,000 for military construction projects at Ft. Hood and $68,112,300...

Washington, May 12, 2005 -  

U.S. Representative John Carter (TX-31) is proud to announce today the first step in the appropriations process has been taken. The Military Quality of Life and Veterans Affairs Subcommittee approved $57,338,000 for military construction projects at Ft. Hood and $68,112,300,000 for veterans.

Carter, who sits on the subcommittee, said, "This is the first and most crucial step in the appropriations process and I am thrilled about the funding that is going toward projects at Ft. Hood."

At the request of Carter, an allocation of $4.1 million was made for a fire station at North Fort Hood. The funding will be used to construct a fire station with air rescue capability to replace the existing fire station. The existing fire station is antiquated, deteriorating, and is too small to accommodate modern fire fighting equipment. The existing fire station is located on the East side of Highway 36, while all future North Fort Hood construction, which includes barracks, head quarters, and motor pools, is planned on the West side. The separation will cause unacceptable delays in reaction times. This structure is included in the Future Years Defense Plan for FY09.

Carter worked with Rep. Chet Edwards who requested a physical fitness center for West Ft. Hood. This $6.8 million project will replace the existing facility and provide support for the increased troop strength and help meet the required Army Physical Fitness Skill Training. This project will help reduce the post-wide deficit of physical fitness centers at Fort Hood.

Edwards said, "I want to congratulate Congressman Carter for his hard work and success in obtaining important funding for key construction projects at Ft. Hood. His being a Member of the House Appropriations Committee and the Military Quality of Life and Veterans Affairs Appropriations Subcommittee are a major plus for Ft. Hood’s future."

These requests are an addition to the $46.438 million included in the President’s Budget, as part of the 2006 Future Years Defense Plan, for Ft. Hood. This funding will be used for a vehicle maintenance shop, qualification training range, battalion command and control facilities, another fire station and a multipurpose scout qualification course.

"Ft. Hood has and will continue to play a vital role in the War on Terror and I am proud that I can represent them in Congress. This funding will help them continue to be a superior fighting force," said Carter.

As for Veterans, $68,112,300,000 was allocated, which is $635,000,000 above the President’s request and $2,273,468,000 more than last year. Of this funding, $20,995,141,000 is set aside for Veterans Health Administration Medical Services, which covers veteran’s hospitals, out-patient clinics and nursing homes. The subcommittee also rejected a proposed budget cut for state-run veteran nursing homes for long-term care. Carter took an active role in making sure these nursing homes did not lose their funding by raising his objections within committee meetings and hearings.

Carter said, "Our veterans have secured the freedom we are living in and enjoying today. We made a promise to our veteran’s and it is our responsibility to keep it."

The bill will now await markup by the full House Appropriations Committee before going to the floor of the House.

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