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House Passes Bill Cosponsored by Carter

WASHINGTON, D.C. –The House of Representatives today passed legislation cosponsored by U.S. Congressman John Carter (TX-31) that will ensure that military recruiters have equal access to college campuses for recruiting purposes. The legislation reiterates Congress' commitment to ensuring that instit...


Washington, Apr 13, 2005 -

The House of Representatives today passed legislation cosponsored by U.S. Congressman John Carter (TX-31) that will ensure that military recruiters have equal access to college campuses for recruiting purposes. The legislation reiterates Congress’ commitment to ensuring that institutions of higher education provide military recruiters with the same access to the students and campus provided to any other employer in order to be eligible to receive certain Federal funding.

“It is important that our Armed Forces be given the same opportunity to recruit college students as any other employer, and I am proud to join my colleagues in protecting this practice. Military recruiting at institutions of higher education is a critical component to the country’s future success in homeland security efforts,” Congressman Carter said. “I am also encouraged by the Supreme Court’s recent unanimous vote in support of equal access for military recruiters on college campuses.”

Last week, the Supreme Court voted unanimously in favor of the 1996 law that allows the Secretary of Defense to deny federal funding to colleges and universities that prohibit or prevent Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (ROTC) or military recruitment on campus. The Court’s ruling reaffirms the military will have the same access to students as any other organization recruiting on campus.

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