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Carter Joins Bush at Ft. Hood

Ft. Hood, TX – This morning, U.S. Representative John R. Carter (TX-31) joined President George W. Bush at Ft. Hood, where he addressed the troops and their families. Carter, Ft. Hood's congressional representative, shared Bush's...

Shares Appreciation for Troops

Washington, Apr 12, 2005 -

Ft. Hood, TX – This morning, U.S. Representative John R. Carter (TX-31) joined President George W. Bush at Ft. Hood, where he addressed the troops and their families.

            Carter, Ft. Hood’s congressional representative, shared Bush’s appreciation for the troops, “The progress made in the War on Terror is because of the outstanding job our troops have done. The men and women of the III Corps, the 4th Infantry Division and 1st Cavalry Division and their families have made the ultimate sacrifice.” 

            He continued by saying, “The troops have liberated millions, caught an evil dictator and secured our nation’s freedom. Their efforts have not and will not go unnoticed and they will be written about in the history books.  We will honor those who have made the greatest sacrifice and make sure their needs are met.”

            Carter will join President Bush and the troops for lunch, and then Carter will return to Washington for the legislative week aboard Air Force One with the President.

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