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Carter Introduces Bill to Level the Playing Field for Military Spouses

On Military Spouses Appreciation Day 2019, Representative John Carter (TX-31) introduced the Military Spouses Employment Act to provide employers a new tax credit to hire qualified military spouses.

On Military Spouses Appreciation Day 2019, Representative John Carter (TX-31) introduced the Military Spouses Employment Act to provide employers a new tax credit to hire qualified military spouses. 

“First and foremost, I want to say thank you to each and every one of the military spouses that support a wife or husband that serves. It’s often a thankless job, but you truly embody selfless sacrifice.

“Employment statistics show that military spouses traditionally earn less than their civilian counterparts, despite higher graduation rates, because military spouses face a unique set of challenges when looking for employment. Employers are passing over military spouses because they’re concerned about family transfers,” Rep. Carter said. “The bill will incentivize employers to hire qualified military spouses for civilian jobs and level the playing field.”

The Military Spouses Employment Act will allow employers to claim an income tax credit of 40 percent for the first $6,000 in wages for qualified spouses who remain on the payroll at least 400 hours. For spouses who remain employed from 120 hours to 399 hours, employers are eligible for a tax credit of 25 percent. 

Rep. Carter represents Texas District 31, which includes Fort Hood, the largest active duty armored military installation in the free world. He serves as co-chairman of the Congressional Army Caucus and Ranking Member of the Military Construction and Veterans Affairs Subcommittee on Appropriations.

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