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House Members Support Confirmation

Who: John Carter (R-TX), Chairman, Lawsuit Abuse Public Affairs Team Trent Franks (R-AZ), Chairman Voter Values Public Affairs Team Dan Burton, Mario Diaz Balart, Ginny Brown-Waite, Tom Feeney, Louie Gohmert, Katherine Harris, Steve King, Jack Kingston, Tom Osborne, John Peterson, Ted Poe, ...

Washington, Sep 13, 2005 -

Who: John Carter (R-TX), Chairman, Lawsuit Abuse Public Affairs Team
Trent Franks (R-AZ), Chairman Voter Values Public Affairs Team
Dan Burton, Mario Diaz Balart, Ginny Brown-Waite, Tom Feeney,
Louie Gohmert,

Katherine Harris, Steve King, Jack Kingston, Tom Osborne, John Peterson, Ted Poe,

Michael Sodrel, Deborah Pryce, Dave Weldon, Joe Wilson.
When: Wednesday, September 14, 2005
Time: Noon
Where: Cannon Terrace

The Voter Values and Lawsuit Abuse Public Affairs Chairman will be stand alongside their fellow Members in support of a swift confirmation of Judge John Roberts as Chief Justice.

This press conference will also be joined by Roberts supporters from across the nation as numerous groups have organized volunteers to descend on Capitol Hill for the nomination hearings.


“We may not have a vote, but we can raise our voices in support.”

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