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Previous Next Carter Disappointed by BRAC Commissions Final Deliberations

WASHINGTON, DC – This morning, as the Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC) Commission began its final deliberations in Arlington, VA, the Commission voted in support of the Department of Defense (DoD) recommendations for Fort Hood. ...

Washington, Aug 24, 2005 -

This morning, as the Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC) Commission began its final deliberations in Arlington, VA, the Commission voted in support of the Department of Defense (DoD) recommendations for Fort Hood.

            “I am deeply disappointed the BRAC Commissioners voted to uphold the DoD recommendations,” said Carter. 

            Carter continued by saying, “However, the DoD and the Army announced in late July that Fort Hood will remain a premier military installation and the only with five brigade combat teams, a three star UEx, a two star UEx, along with additional support units.” The Army has said the realignment of the 4th Infantry Division to Fort Carson and the 3rd Armed Calvary Regiment to Fort Hood will be primarily accommodated through patch swaps, with few families relocating.

            Carter, who has actively worked to ensure Fort Hood stay at its full training capacity, said, “We exhausted all avenues available to express to the Commission that the DoD recommendations were not justified and require the reckless spending of tax payer money.”   Since the DoD made its recommendations in May, Carter has been in communication with the department regarding its recommendations that were based on faulty information, secured a site visit by two BRAC Commissioners in June, and led and organized the delegation to defend Fort Hood at the July BRAC hearing in San Antonio.

            The DoD’s BRAC recommendations to cut forces and capability stem from faulty facts and crucial misinformation.  After BRAC was announced, DoD officials acknowledged the recommendations were based on 2003 numbers.  Fort Hood will return to 40,863 military personnel in 2011, after reaching a peak of 49,400 in 2006.  It was also confirmed the Army left out 37,600 available acres for training in Fort Hood when considering its BRAC recommendations. The cost to relocate the forces and provide training capabilities and housing at Fort Carson are estimated between $501 million and $1.3 billion. In July, the General Accounting Office surveyed and determined the cost of the realignment from Fort Hood to Fort Carson would not result in savings and will never pay back.

            “I remain committed to Fort Hood and its potential to grow in the future,” said Carter. 

            The BRAC Commission will continue its final deliberations this week and report its recommendations to the President by September 8, 2005. Thereafter, the President and Congress have the option to dissent.

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