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Army Reconfirms Ft. Hood to Remain Premier Military Installation

WASHINGTON, DC – Today, the Army reconfirmed that if the Department of Defense's Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC) recommendations are approved, Fort Hood will remain a premier military installation and the only with five brigade combat teams, a three star UEx, a two star UEx, along with ...

Washington, Jul 27, 2005 -  

Today, the Army reconfirmed that if the Department of Defense’s Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC) recommendations are approved, Fort Hood will remain a premier military installation and the only with five brigade combat teams, a three star UEx, a two star UEx, along with additional support units.

U.S. Representative John Carter (TX-31) learned of the information after an announcement today regarding the new locations for the Modular Brigade Combat Teams by Special Assistant to the Secretary of the Army Ray Dubois and Army Vice Chief of Staff General Richard Cody.

“Today’s announcement just reconfirms what the Army has said to me since May,” said Carter. “I am pleased they plan to keep Ft. Hood a top notch military installation, but I would like to see them also keep it at full training capacity. It just makes sense, you save the taxpayer by maximizing and utilizing everything Ft. Hood has to offer – all the resources for the best possible training.”

Carter has actively worked to ensure Ft. Hood stay at its full training capacity. Since the DoD made it recommendations in May, Carter has been in communication with the department regarding its recommendations based on faulty information, secured a site visit by two BRAC Commissioners in June, and led and organized the delegation to defend Fort Hood at the BRAC hearing in San Antonio earlier this month.

Many believe the DoD’s BRAC recommendations to cut forces and capability stem from faulty facts and crucial misinformation. After BRAC was announced, DoD officials acknowledged the recommendations came from 2003 numbers. Ft. Hood will return to 40,863 military personnel in 2011, after reaching a peak 49,400 in 2006. It was also confirmed that the Army left out 37,600 available acres for training at Fort Hood when considering the BRAC recommendations.

The BRAC Commission must have its recommendations submitted to the President by September 8, 2005.

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