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Carter Expresses Support for STOPP Act

Washington, D.C. – Today in a press conference, U.S. Representatives John R. Carter (TX-31) joined Rep. Henry Bonilla (TX-23) as he introduced H.R. 3405, the Strengthening the Ownership of Private Property (STOPP) Act. The bipartisan legislation will prevent governments from taking property from one...

Washington, Jul 27, 2005 -

Today in a press conference, U.S. Representatives John R. Carter (TX-31) joined Rep. Henry Bonilla (TX-23) as he introduced H.R. 3405, the Strengthening the Ownership of Private Property (STOPP) Act. The bipartisan legislation will prevent governments from taking property from one private party and giving it to another private party.

“I have presided over half dozen eminent domain cases and know first hand the stress it puts on people and their families,” said, Carter, who served as a state district judge for 20 years. “The fact the Supreme Court established a policy that the government can take someone’s property for the benefit of another private individual is appalling. The freedom to own property without interference from the government is one of the foundations of our Constitution - it’s the American Dream.”

The STOPP Act will prevent governments from taking property from one private party and giving it to another private party. When abuses occur, the STOPP Act will prevent localities and states from receiving federal economic assistance on ALL economic development projects, not just those upon which abuses occur. Furthermore, the legislation will make state and local government subject to the Uniform Relocation act, which provides fair market value and moving expenses for citizens relocated by abuses.

“The STOPP Act is a comprehensive piece of legislation that will correct a far-reaching decision with horrific consequences,” said Bonilla. “I'm thankful for Congressman Carter's assistance on this legislation. He is looking out for the average citizen in pursuit of the American Dream.”

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